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Volunteer Coordinator - Claire Higbee 

For more information about becoming a volunteer at Coppice please contact Claire Higbee using the following details: 

Telephone: 0208 708 0740



Parent Helper Information

Here at Coppice Primary we actively encourage volunteer support within the learning environment. This may involve hearing readers in the class, supporting a small group or helping the class teacher with administration or displays. Any help that a parent or carer can give to our children is greatly appreciated! If you feel that you have some time that you would like to kindly donate to the school then please feel free to contact the school office who will be more than happy to discuss a way to supporting the school.

Volunteering in school

We are always seeking additional adult help in school to support a range of activities such as helping in class or with clubs. We welcome and value having parents in school to share their expertise or special interests. For example, parents who work in the field of health care are well-placed to share their knowledge about healthy lifestyles. Equally parents that look after the family home have many skills that our children can learn from, cooking, sewing, budgeting etc. Similarly, some parents may be able to contribute to an assembly about a particular festival, or perhaps read a story in their home language or come in wearing traditional clothes.


All adult volunteers working within the school environment on a regular basis must be under the supervision of a member of staff; this is to ensure the protection of children and the volunteers alike.


Parent Governors

Every school has some governors who are elected by the parent body. Governors are in post for four years. Parent Governor elections are organised by the school when a vacancy arises and parents are informed of the election procedure. This will be made public to parents through newsletters and the

school’s website.


PTFG - Parent Teacher Fundraising Group

For more information about the Parent Teacher Fundraising Group please visit our page under the parent drop down option on the homepage of our website.
