Coppice has a small but committed and hardworking parent and teacher fundraising group. Our group work enthusiastically throughout the year to organise a range of events and to help build and promote community spirit. Many of the activities help raise additional and much valued funds for the school. The PTFG also plays a significant role in providing social events for our children and families. We meet regularly to discuss events and plan other fundraising activities and provide social evenings for parents and carers to meet up.
The PTFG members are made up from parents, carers and school staff, and new members are always warmly welcomed. Some PTFG members are able to commit a significant amount of time to arranging planned events for which we are extremely grateful. Other members however are happy to help out ‘on the day’, or help with ideas and thoughts for events or maybe just help in the preparation process. Any assistance or contribution is always gratefully appreciated.
The PTFG organise a wide range of social activities that bring all members of our community together. Regular events in the PTFG calendar include; the Christmas Fair, pick-a-present, discos for the children, family bingo and quiz evenings and a Summer Fair to name but a few. In addition, the small but hard working group also provided refreshments at Welcome to New Parents events and Parent’s Consultation evenings.
Each year the PTFG are able to make purchases for the benefit of the children throughout the school, help with school trips and provide other items to enhance opportunities at Coppice. All these things are added luxuries that the school cannot afford. These purchases are published in the newsletter for all members of Coppice Community to see.
If you feel that you could dedicate some of your time or a specific skill (however small or large, however frequent or infrequent) please contact the PTFG at
We look forward to welcoming you to our group.
PTFG Chairperson
PTFG Structure
The PTFG is a Charity (number 1129557) and is registered at Charities House . It has adopted the ParentKind Model Constitution. We currently have a Chairperson (Tracey Battams) and a Treasurer (Jemma Woods) both of whom are registered Trustees of the Charity. The Trustees are legally responsibly for the Charity. We also have two Committee Members (Nicky Purton and Dorothy Mwami) who have voting rights at all meetings. Together we plan the events that take place, make purchasing decisions and liaise and meet with the school. We are helped by a team of regular volunteers who we contact via WhatsApp. All parents or carers of children ATTENDING Coppice are automatically general members of the PTFG. Our AGM is held in January at which all members stand down and can re stand in the instance of Committee Members, or are voted for in in the instance of the Chairperson and Treasurer (and Secretary should anyone nominate themselves for this position). A letter and form is sent out to all parents and carers of Coppice children 21 days before the AGM allowing them time to arrange to come to the meeting and or nominate themselves for an office or the committee.