Welcome to our testimonials page. We are extremely proud of the work and efforts of our entire school community. Here we have captured the essence of what makes Coppice Primary School a great school in which to learn, grow and flourish.
Feedback from prospective families for September 2022 and why they have decided to apply for a space at Coppice.
"We have been very well impressed by the school during parent visit. Head teacher was well prepared and welcoming. Curriculum is well developed and children seemed well looked after and enjoying school time. The number of pupils and size of the school would be a great fit for our son's personality and we would love to see him starting the reception with other friends from his nursery" (Prospective parent feedback following school tour - January 2022).
"They were the only school to talk about the active steps they make around diversity and inclusion which is very important for a mixed race child" (Prospective parent feedback following school tour - January 2022).
"This school is near to where I live I have a lots of friends that their children attend this school and the feedback from them is quite encouraging. My child has a lot of friends (neighbours) that attend this school. From my research the school has good extra curricular activities. It will be a perfect fit for my child and the school has a very good reputation as to exams results, and children's behaviour. It will be a pleasure for my child to have a place at this school" (Prospective parent feedback following school tour - January 2022).
Further feedback we have received from our school community and visitors to our school.
“The bright, happy, supportive environment and broad curriculum. My children have thrived in this school because their teachers care about them and the school gives the children the opportunity to have a wide, varied knowledge” (Parent survey February 2022).
“Very good safe school demonstrating equality and diversity throughout” (Parent survey February 2022).
“Coppice is inclusive. In the classes that were observed, the children with additional needs were fully included and received appropriate support” (School Improvement Partner visit September 2021)
“Children were very clear on who the trusted adults they could talk to are as well as who the members of SST are. All the children were eager to tell us about chatterboxes, which are placed in each classroom to allow pupils to share any concerns with their teacher” (Link Safeguarding Governor visit – November 2021)
“The school have created and interesting and thorough safeguarding curriculum overview to ensure pupils are taught to keep themselves safe. Opportunities have been sought across the curriculum to enrich this teaching” (London Borough of Redbridge Consultant Adviser visit March 2022)
“The shared learning environments demonstrate the profile of reading, vocabulary development, science and the anti-racist curriculum. Classrooms are purposeful learning environments. Behaviour is good” (School Improvement Partner visit March 2022).
"A very experienced leadership team with a thorough knowledge of the school” (London Borough of Redbridge Consultant Adviser visit March 2022)
“An established curriculum built on five principles of learning; Coppice Code, learning values and the School’s Aspire, Believe, Achieve ethos statement” (London Borough of Redbridge Consultant Adviser visit March 2022)
“We did a school walk. It was a happy, calm, thriving feeling as I walked round. It was lovely to see the school in action. The displays are brilliant, and they are using as much space as possible to show the skills of the children and to encourage reading at all opportunities” (Link Governor Visit – Personal Development and Behaviour, November 2021)
“Congratulations to all of the Coppice Team for making this year’s fireworks display and evening so special for all of us. This has to be one of the best fireworks events the school has done! Many thanks again” (Parent, November 2021)
“In the staffroom, we looked at the newly implemented board encouraging staff to celebrate each other and also to nominate a staff of the week. The room has been arranged to offer a relaxing space with music and books available” (Link Governor Visit – Wellbeing, February 2022)
“Children are being encouraged to read different books and to use reading as a way to improve their wellbeing” (Link Governor Visit – Wellbeing, February 2022)
“The golden thread of Vision is aligned and consistent between Head, Lead and Teachers – creating curious learners” (Federation Science Review, March 2022)
“The Science Leader has a very clear idea of what Science should look like and has implemented training to support colleagues which is starting to take shape and have impact – teachers talked of being inspired by the CPD and the accompanying documentation” (Federation Science Review, March 2022)
“Teaching seen showed good subject knowledge, high expectations of learning and behavior and a focus on vocabulary. Good questioning deepened and challenged learners. High quality resources were seen including Tig Tag videos. Good recapping of prior learning. Links made to homework children had engaged in to help them to explore and deepen their understanding of a topic” (Federation Science Review, March 2022)
“Children’s books demonstrated good progress in the acquisition of scientific skills and knowledge. There was good use of scientific vocabulary. There was an appropriate level of challenge” (School Improvement Partner visit September 2021)
“It is important the children are encouraged to work for a purpose. The school considers how to develop children’s aspirations through, e.g. Work Week, the Brilliant Club and Debate Mate etc” (School Improvement Partner visit December 2020)
“The curriculum framework is clear. Teachers create their medium and long term plans in phase groups. Oracy is a key thread for all learning. Sentence stems are taught systematically. Listening and questioning skills are specifically taught. Every child is nurtured and valued and has a voice. Teachers are encouraged to take risks and it is ok to make mistakes. Teachers are well supported by senior leaders” (School Improvement Partner visit December 2020)
“There are school based systems that ensure effective information sharing and institutional knowledge, e.g. handover meetings with previous teachers and taking PPA time together. The school ensures effective communication with parents” (School Improvement Partner visit December 2020)
“Support staff are clear about their roles. They work in support of class teachers with specific responsibilities for agreed programmes e.g. bucket time and colourful semantics and support SEN groups. Staff are clear that the school works hard to be inclusive and supports children with a variety of needs including ASD, global delay etc” (School Improvement Partner visit December 2020)
“Children are articulate and confident. They spoke eloquently about their learning and spoke about subject specific skills and knowledge. They were clear about having their views taken into account through the class and pupil advocates system and opportunities to use the class chatterboxes where they can share concerns or suggestions” (School Improvement Partner visit December 2020)
“Coppice Primary School has a very clear sense of identity. Its vision and principles are clearly articulated and understood. The curriculum framework is established and allows teachers a degree of autonomy on how and what to teach. Children are enthusiastic about their learning and can speak about their subject specific skills and knowledge. All community members are valued and feel they have a voice. There is a clear sense of how the school develops and builds upon institutional knowledge” (School Improvement Partner visit December 2020)