At Coppice we strongly believe that physical education is an integral part of a child's every day lifestyle. We intend to broaden the children's experiences and participation within different physical activities and sports, creating and developing healthy lifestyles, for life long participation.
In physical education lessons and school sport we believe a whole child can be developed including their behaviour and attitudes, and personal development. We fully support the governments School Sport and Activity Action Plan and aim to provide children throughout the school day and through extra curricular provisions, as many opportunities to take up physical activity or sport.
At Coppice we aim to deliver two hours of quality curriculum PE. The children are extremely lucky to be taught be a PE specialist teacher once every two weeks, with the class teacher delivering the other PE lessons. On the week that the children are not taught be the specialist PE teacher they are taught a healthy living lesson, where they obtain knowledge and understanding of what a healthy lifestyle consists of. Following the PE National Curriculum we focus on the key areas for progression.
In EYFS the children focus on the below learning goals
- Development of multi skills such as agility, co-ordination, control, balance and speed and applying these skills in large and small movements
- Spacial awareness, moving confidently in different ways, changing direction to avoid obstacle
- Hand eye co-ordination
- Handling apparatus safely
- Jumping and climbing on and off of apparatus
- Start to show an understanding for good health of physical exercise and a healthy lifestyle, and talk about ways to keep safe
In Key Stage 1 children continue to develop fundamental multi skills within different sporting activities, becoming competent and confident individually and with others. They have opportunities to experience and participate in competitive scenarios against themselves and others.
- In gymnastics activities the children are able to develop their balance and control
- In dance activities the children are able to develop their co-ordination and perform simple movement patterns
- In invasion games, striking and fielding games, and net and wall games the children are able to participate in team games developing simple attacking and defending tactics, and skills like catching.
- In athletics activities the children are able to develop their running, jumping and throwing skills.
In Key Stage 2 children will continue to develop a broad range of skills, applying them in different ways and scenarios. Skills should be linked together to make actions and sequences of movements. They will have the opportunity to develop social skills working and competing with each other. They will also have the opportunity to understand how to improve their own and another child's performance, and recognise their own success.
- In invasion games, striking and fielding games, and net and wall games the children are able to participate in team games developing advance attacking and defending tactics, and skills. The children will also take on different roles within sport like coaching and umpiring. helping other children to develop.
- Within outdoor adventurous activities the children will have the opportunity to develop their social skills like team work and communication, and show problem solving skills when presented with a team challenge. They will also participate in orienteering activities, developing their map reading skills.
- In Year 4, children are able to develop their competence to swim using different strokes for at least 25 meters. Children are also exposed to self safe rescue water based activities.
- In dance the children are able to develop advanced movement patterns, applying choreographed skills like canon and unison. They will also demonstrate and enhance their co-ordination and timing to music.
- Within gymnastics the children will continue to develop basic movement skills like travelling, rolling and jumping, incorporating apparatus into a sequence of skills. Throughout the unit they will also enhance their control, flexibility and strength.
- In athletics activities the children are able to develop their running, throwing and jumping techniques in isolation and in combination within a competitive situation.
In Key Stage 2 children at Coppice are also provided with the opportunity to take on two different leadership roles within sport as a Sports Council member and a Play Leader. As a Sports Council member, the children help to organise and officiate at inter-school competitions. As a play leader, the children help to organise and run active play opportunities at lunch times.