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Working With Parents

At Coppice we believe that the school and parents should work together to give all our children the greatest opportunity for happiness and success.


It is important that you know what is happening at school.  Each fortnight there is a school newsletter sharing some of the activities that have taken place over the week and sharing details of events to come.  At the start of each term you will receive a Curriculum Jigsaw which will give you an overview about what your child will be learning in each subject area over the term and each half term you will receive a homework grid with 18 activities for your child to choose from each week.


To enable you to support your child’s learning we run workshops throughout the year for you to attend.  These include sharing classroom strategies in reading, writing and maths as well as information about keeping your children safe.


We gather your views twice a year at Parent Consultation meetings through a short questionnaire.  This is analysed and used to support us in making improvements to the school and to celebrate the things that are going well.


We also have a half termly Parents’ Forum.  This is made up of representative parents from each year group who are able to raise concerns, ask questions and share ideas with the headteacher.  Minutes are taken at these forums and key actions are reported through the school newsletter.


Fun is at the heart of learning and we want Coppice to be fun for parents too.  We have a variety of socials and performances throughout the school year which you are warmly invited to.  We also encourage parents to join our PTA known as the PTFG.


Nothing is more important than your child being safe and happy at school and we will work with you to achieve this and more.  Talking with us, sharing your ideas, simply saying ‘hello’ on the school gate will make you feel more a part of our community and we know that together we will achieve more for your child.
