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Parent Survey

Thank you to all of the parents and carers who took part in our latest parent survey (February 2022). The school received a total of 212 responses. The responses that we received were overwhelmingly positive and we are pleased that our school community feels happy with the work the school is doing to ensure the best possible experience for every child. 


Below we have captured analysis from the some of the responses received. 

96% of you feel that your child is happy at school. 

97% of you feel that your child feels safe at school. 

94% of you feel that the school makes sure that its pupils are well behaved. 

95% of you feel that the school makes you aware of what your child will learn throughout the year.

93% of you feel that the school has high expectations for your child. 

98% of you feel that your child does well at Coppice Primary School. 

96% of you feel that the school lets you know how well your child is doing. 

95% of you feel that there is a good range of subjects available for your child at Coppice Primary School. 

93% of you feel that your child is able to take part in clubs and activities. 

93% of you feel that the school supports your child's wider personal development.

92% of you would recommend this school to another parent. 

91% of you feel that teachers help your child when they have misunderstood learning. 

96% of you feel that the school has a positive, respectful culture in which your child is well cared for. 

93% of you feel that the subjects taught in school are exciting and innovative. 

94% of you feel that the school teaches your child how to recognise risks to their wellbeing; both online and offline. 


As part of our parent survey we asked you what you felt were the greatest strengths of the school. Here is some of the feedback from our school community: 


"The bright, happy, supportive environment and broad curriculum. My children have thrived in this school because their teachers care about them and the school gives the children the opportunity to have wide, varied knowledge" 


"Very good safe school demonstrating equality and diversity throughout" 


"Encouragement, understanding, a very good school, zero tolerance to bullying"


"Excellent communication with parents"


"Very good and timely communication between parents and school including teachers and office. High professional teachers" 


"The way you support each child to achieve their goals in learning" 


As you will be aware, we are a school who believe that there is always room for improvement and we are always keen to work with our school community to continue to improve and enhance our offer for the children that we serve. Some of our parents and carers have indicated that they disagree, strongly disagree or don't know in response to some of the questions that we asked you in the survey. Where we have been able to identify parents in the responses that we have received we have written to you to ask you to engage with us further so that we can better understand your feedback in order to continue to make sure that Coppice provides a positive experience for all members of our school community.


If you are one of these parents or if you would like to discuss any issues or concerns that you may have we warmly invite you to contact the school office via the admin account at or by telephone on 020 87080740. We operate an open door policy at all levels of our school and are always willing to engage with our parents to continue to ensure that we are able to provide the very best offer to all members of our school community. 


