Year 1 Photos
Stunning Start - Arctic: 6.1.23
At the beginning of the term, the Year 1 children returned to school to find out their classroom had been turned into the Arctic with an igloo!!! This was the Stunning Start to kick off the term's topic, No Place Like home. They have been reading a book called Immi and have been learning about hot and cold places
Fantastic Finish - Superhero Day: 14.12.22
Year 1 have been reading a book called Traction Man who is a superhero who protects household items in a series of missions.
For their Fantastic Finish, the children were invited to dress up as their favourite superhero.
The Redbridge Toy Museum: 18.11.22
Year 1 were treated to a visitor from The Redbridge Toy Museum. The learned about a number of different toys from the past and got to handle them. They compared them to toys they play with nowadays.