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Pupil Premium

Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.


What is the Pupil Premium?

The ‘Pupil Premium’ is a grant given to schools for each child who claims free school meals currently or who has done so in the past. It is really important that all parents/carers of children eligible to do so register for free school meals even if you don’t choose to have them as the grant enables us to provide extra resources for your children.


To find out whether your child qualifies for free school meals, and hence whether we would receive additional funding click below:

Research has shown that children who have been on/ are on Free School Meals (FSM) do not attain as highly as other children in school. The government provides this grant so that we can commission/allocate additional support to ensure that they do. The support can be in a short burst or over a longer term such as a term, two terms, a year or more. It may take the form of smaller class sizes, 1-1 or small group teaching and may be an evidence based intervention. It can be additional resources, enrichment or access to opportunities that enhance learning and or aspiration.


Please click on the links below for details on expenditure:

Pupil Premium Evaluation 2020-2021

Pupil Premium Plan 2020-2021

Pupil Premium Evaluation 2019-2020
