School Ethos and Aims

About Us
Coppice Primary School is part of The London Borough of Redbridge. It is a two form entry school, admitting 60 children each year with a nursery attached.
Our school is an inspiring place to be in! We are fortunate enough to be able to boast that we are a semi-rural school in an urban setting. We are situated on Manford Way and enjoy extensive grounds as well as easy access on foot to the amazing Hainault Forest including nature reserve and lake. We work hard to ensure that this exciting outdoor location plays an important part in our learning. In addition to the amazing location in which our school is set, we are able to offer our pupils extraordinary resources to support their learning. We have a purpose built IT suite, a specialist Art Studio, a Science Laboratory, a Library and a Music Room enabling us to provide high quality specialist lessons and a broad, exciting and motivating curriculum.
Our school motto 'aspire, believe, achieve' is fundamental in all that we do. We want Coppice to be a school that aspires to achieve in every way: academically, personally and socially.
Children are at the centre of everything we do at Coppice. We have high expectations for each and every one of the children within our care irrespective of their ability or background. All our children are expected to work hard and challenge themselves to be the very best that they can be. It is our intention to ensure that our children develop a love for learning that will remain with them throughout their life.
To this end we make learning fun. We encourage our children to understand that it is alright to get things wrong as making mistakes is an important part of the learning process. Praise and positive encouragement are key elements of our approach as we believe that children with high self-esteem and a ‘can do’ approach to learning achieve more.
High standards of behaviour are also a key factor to life at Coppice. The Coppice Code, drawn from the British Values of Respect, Tolerance, Democracy, Rule of Law and Individual Liberty are understood by all and, as a result, children’s behaviour is excellent. We place a strong emphasis on personal responsibility and use praise and positive encouragement to help each child to be able to ‘make the right decisions’ for themselves.
Our Mission
It is the mission of everyone involved with Coppice Primary School to provide the highest quality education in a caring and secure environment in which children thrive and have the confidence not only to succeed but also to take risks with their learning.
Our Aims and Objectives
- To provide a caring atmosphere in which our children can develop their skills and abilities in all curriculum areas and fulfil their potential.
- To ensure that staff and children will be able to participate in every aspect of school life, within the school community, whatever their needs or abilities.
- To foster an environment in which children and staff have high self-esteem and the confidence to achieve the highest standards.
- To harness our children’s natural curiosity, encouraging a lifelong thirst for learning.
- To stimulate our children to develop enquiring minds and the confidence to pose questions and discuss ideas rationally.
- To help our children to understand that learning is an exciting challenge, part of which is taking risks and learning from mistakes.
- To encourage our children to take a pride in their achievements and appreciate the value of hard work.
- To promote an understanding of and care for the environment both within the school and the outside world.
- To encourage children and staff to have the confidence to grasp opportunities afforded by new technologies.
- To encourage parents to become partners in their child’s education and support the school’s focus on expected standards of behaviour.
- To enrich our children’s knowledge of the diversity of the world we live in and develop a respect for other cultures, races and religions.
A happy child is a successful child. As a federation we believe we have a privileged role which is going to shape the future, improve society and change the world. We aim to foster positive and safe relationships and create a sense of family. We strive to create a community where all learners feel loved, respected and encouraged to develop to their fullest potential and prepare them for their futures.
All learners are nurtured to become risk takers, build resilience and are challenged to achieve personal goals and dreams. Our inclusive, safe and nurturing environment allows learners to be inspired and to learn the skills and mindset to thrive. We believe in promoting equality, diversity, individuality and resilience, aiming to achieve this through our broad curriculum, enriching play and rights respecting values.
Someone must have taught Julia Donaldson to write, inspired Mo Farah’s sporting talent, fostered Malala Yousafzai’s courage- who unlocked that potential? Who will step up as the next Marcus Rashford and challenge injustice? Will one of our learners find a solution to homelessness or lead our country? Will one of our learners be pivotal in saving our planet? Our job is to show our learners it could be them, to give them the skills they need to succeed, and guide them along their journey towards a brighter future.
We believe every child has something amazing and valuable to share. They will leave our schools as responsible citizens of the world and lifelong learners and thinkers. They are our everyday heroes. We think big for our learners and believe that it can happen here!