Computing at Coppice is taught weekly, predominately by our computing specialist. Every child will be taught by our specialist at least every two weeks.
Our aim in computing is to develop pupil’s digital literacy, information technology and computer science skills in an environment where ideas and answers are rewarded; a place where pupils are not afraid to make mistakes and a trial and error approach is encouraged.
In EYFS, we use the ‘Development Matters’ document to aid with our computing planning.
- Completes a simple program on a computer.
- Uses ICT hardware to interact with age-appropriate computer software.
Children use the computer suite, interactive whiteboard and iPads to create digital art and to complete simple activities to develop pupil’s mouse and keyboard skills.
In KS1, all units are designed to meet the objectives laid out in the national curriculum for computing.
Pupils further develop their mouse and keyboard skills and are introduced to basic computer science vocabulary and concepts such as algorithms, debugging and loops.
Online safety is taught through standalone lessons as well as discreetly throughout the curriculum using resources such as Digiduck and Hector’s World.
In KS2, again, all units are designed to meet the objectives laid out in the national curriculum for computing.
Pupils use a range of software and technology including Google Education, Scratch, Chromebooks, BBC Microbits and robots to learn more advanced concepts such as variables and conditional statements.
Online safety is taught using a variety of resources such as Be Internet Legends, CEOP videos and Cyberpass.
Pupils have previously been given the opportunity to send their code on board the International Space Station, have been invited to take part in a Code Club at the Houses of Parliament and have taken part in the Childnet Digital Leaders Programme.
Pupils also have the opportunity to apply to be a Digital Leader and take part in extra computing activities, responsibilities and trips.